How Can Online Gaming Improve Your Mental Health?

4 min readJun 9, 2021


Mental health is not just a buzzword anymore… it has become a much talked about topic among a lot of groups. People go to hospitals or visit or consult doctors when they are physically ill so the burning question is — why can’t they consult an expert when their mental health is deteriorating? Or why can’t they be vocal about this topic? Talking about mental health has a huge stigma attached to it. People still give looks or act sarcastic in front of psychologists or therapists or any mental health worker. The thing is that we must give equal importance to mental health as we do to our physical health. There are times when it is not necessary to visit a therapist in order to improve your mental health. You can improve it even by indulging in some engaging and happy activities. Now the definition or a happy or a calm activity can differ from person to person. However, some activities such as playing online poker or other games, spending time with friends and loved ones, indulging in some standard relaxation techniques, etc. can really boost a person’s mental health without any doubt. Moreover, in today’s lifestyle, everyone is dealing with something or the other, making them want to indulge in these activities even more.

Speaking of online games, they are a huge success when it comes to dealing with mental stress. Moreover, online games have become even more popular after the emergence of the pandemic. In addition to this, because of the pandemic, people’s mental health is anyway deteriorating a lot. Everyone is dealing with anxieties, panics, fears, and so many other mental issues. Thus, as they are confined to their homes, they can play online rummy, Indian poker, ludo, chess, etc. as much as they want. This will keep their adrenaline levels in check and consequently, help you improve your mental health.

All things said and done, the things we have mentioned above might confuse you a little. This is because gaming has always been viewed negatively. Parents call gaming a huge distraction for their children, some people consider it a source of addiction, etc. However, the important thing to realize here is that excess of everything is bad. So, it is not just gaming but even eating excess fruits can lead to more harm than good. The best way to fetch all the benefits and no harm from different activities is to do them in moderation. For instance, let us talk about another factor — we know that playing poker is not just fun and action-filled but is also extremely rewarding. There are so many people who play poker online for money and make the most of the rewards they get out of the game. Earning money by playing games is not a bad thing, in fact, it is a great way to earn while having fun. However, indulging in gaming so much that it starts interfering with your daily routine is not a great idea and has the ability to turn into an addiction. Thus, once we understand and know where we must draw the line, we will realize that poker or other online games are one of the best ways to relieve stress and improve our mental health while having fun.

Now let us discuss some of the ways in which online gaming can help improve mental health.

  • Online gaming can help in boosting your confidence levels. When you win a game or two, you will realize that you can win in life too. Playing and winning games can give you a sense of accomplishment and achievement that you never thought you would get.
  • Playing online games can help you expand your social circle as well. This is because it is helpful in enhancing your social skills. Whether you are playing Teen Patti online or some other online mind game, you will realize that in order to climb the ladder of success, you will have to stay in touch with other people who are an expert in your game. You will get to learn a lot of things from them so being interactive can fetch you a lot of brownie points.
  • As discussed above, when your social circle is enhanced, you will have more social support from people and it is important to have strong social support when you are going through a mental crisis. You never know, you might find a friend in your competitor, opponent or senior player.
  • Online gaming has the ability to produce happy hormones in the players because it can add some excitement and thrill to their life. This, consequently, leads to better mental health.

Online gaming has become a very popular activity in today’s time. Its popularity has increased even more after the emergence of the pandemic. That being said, it is important to note that when played in moderation, online gaming can be really effective in enhancing our mental health. Happy playing!




Written by Adda52

We are, an India based online gaming website. Adda52, ‘Where India Plays Poker’, provides non-stop poker action and fun.

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